Saturday 29 November, 2008

Merry Opportunity

What are these days called holiday and birthday?

The queries bespeak us with answers in volumes so high we intendedly cannot hear ourselves:

* Is it a religiously-sanctified day of spirituality, a wrapping of ledger books, or someone's birthday party?
* Is it a history rewritten to benefit the equal exchange of objects amongst the bland?
* Is it a choice to select how Power may speak for, of, or as us?
* Is it a time for renewal, cycling, or leaps?
* Is it a day of peace during the war of all against all for a piece of the shrinking action?
* Is it a big sale, an everyday sale, or a no-sale?
* Is it a day of candles - mourning or exalting - that illuminates or polarizes darkness?
* Does it come too often, too little, not at all, in hollow form, or even at all?

Is it all these - is it none of these? Yes. And no. And neither by itself....

It is a day like any other... that we want to be like no other.
It is a call for celebration over celibation.
It is a call for giving beyond sacrifice, duty, and exchange.
It is a call for adorning the world rather than its symbols.
It is a day of rebirth over slow death.
It is the call of the wild that has not been bred away, beaten, and subdued.
It is a day for some in the species to stand upright and face what we implicitly desire.
It is a day wherein we glimpse at what wonders we might become, and - where the clock is challenged as barrier to making them real.
It is a day wherein we declare war against zero-sum social relations - for it to even exist.
It is a day that beckons all the rest.
It is a day without Monday appointments and deposit deadlines; it calls to us with the end of the weekday as we know it.
It is a day that seeks to become rather than to merely be.
It is a day wherein we try to reach farther than we normally allow ourselves.
It is us seeking more than the us of quantities - measured in partialities and limited to days amongst lifetimes.
It is nowhere, nobody, and nothing implying us as the ultimate birthday and gift - to everywhere, everyone, and everything.
"Birth" and "holy" days are at once an expression aimed at the mundane and a call to go beyond spectacularly-new levels of that same mundanity.
It is Santas freely dispersing commodities at stores as "gifts".
It is the inclusion of so many holydays that no one day may contain them.
It is the creating and entering the "promised land" today rather than waiting for its bus.
It is pouring the gravy of exuberance on all you would meet rather than the gravity of returning to the production and consumption of non-festive chores.
It's wrapping up a self-reflexive world for unholy strangers.
It is giving back a sold tomorrow as impossible and a re-presented past as passed-by.
It is a chance to be born again as we want to be - with everyone as loving family.
Its presence embraces the full dismantling of anything that would squander the wonder of playing with toes and stars.
It us all of us calling through some of us.

These days are opportunities to permanently, resolutely, and consequentially step outside of and beyond that which confines us to controlled bliss and marvel, and to the "us" that finds them with daze and colonized content. It is us calling to a fuller us. It is the universe speaking through us to cast off salutes to the dead and become the living.

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