Sunday, 31 January 2010
La Mentira.
Mentira el amor
Mentira el sabor
Mentira la que manda
Mentira comanda
Mentira la tristeza
Cuando empieza
Mentira no se va
Mentira, Mentira
Todo es mentira en este mundo
Todo es mentira la verdad
Todo es mentira yo me digo
Todo es mentira ¿Por qué será?
-Manu Chao-
Friday, 29 January 2010
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Vaho : Global Lens .
Global Lens 10: Vaho (Becloud)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
La primera sorpresa del 2010, ha llegado. Se trata de una ópera prima mexicana, que si bien es un notable de debut, sería excelente si se apegará a una rigurosa edición. Ganadora de una mención especial en el Festival de Morelia —merecido reconocimiento—, Vaho (Becloud) de Alejandro Gerber Bicecci, es cine independiente urbano en su mejor expresión. La falta de agua en el barrio, una constante en Iztapalapa —una delegación en la Ciudad de México, que sería como un condado en Nueva York— reúne a tres amigos de la niñéz. Un acto de celos, provocado por uno de ellos, culmina con una tragedia. Su distanciamiento es obvio.
El acto, un linchamiento colectivo, no solo altera el comportamiento de los chicos, sino también de sus padres y hasta algunos vecinos. Un sentimiento de culpa que va más allá del núcleo familiar. Gerber aprovecha la cultura popular de Iztapalapa y su fervor por el viacrusis, así como varios de sus problemas sociales, para integrarlos de manera atractiva a su narrativa. La fotografía es ejemplar, llena de color y totalmente alejada de lo gris que un drama urbano de esta magnitud podría inspirar. El único problema, es su edición; si bien el desarrollo de los personajes está bien cuidado, es un tanto exagerado que el conflicto entre los chicos tarde cerca de una hora para captar la atención del espectador. Por momentos, y a manera de halago, Vaho evoca la frescura e intensidad que Maryse Sistach, desarrolló hace varios años con Perfume de Violeta: Nadie te Escucha.
Vaho (Becloud), Alejandro Gerber Bicecci. México, 2009. 111 min.
Premiere USA
16/01, 7:30 p.m.
29/01, 4:00 p.m.
Theater 2
On a dry lakebed in 1964, a trucker and his companion find a baby boy at the dry breast of its dead mother. Years later the trucker operates an ice factory in a poor urban district with his son, José, who dreams of one day striking out on his own. Neighbor Felipe, meanwhile, works at an Internet café and another neighbor, Andrés, lives with his alcoholic father but spends his free time studying Mexico’s pre-Columbian golden age. All three share a defining incident from their childhood, linking the destinies of their entire neighborhood to the lakebed and baby from years earlier. In this shrewd and well-acted story, director Alejandro Gerber Bicecci turns a tangled neighborhood tale into an enthralling mix of history, memory and atonement, creating an unexpected parable of modern Mexico itself.
About the Director
Alejandro Gerber Bicecci was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1977. He graduated cum laude from the Film Training Center CCC (Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica) and has received numerous grants and fellowships for filmmaking and screenwriting. He is a prolific producer of documentaries and shorts, and his second documentary, Morada, won the Golden Mikeldi at the Bilbao International Film Festival and screened worldwide. Becloud is his first feature film.
Quote of the Day .
"En varios diarios presentan la noticia, Anarquia en Haiti, en otros, Anarquia en la economia y en otros Anarquia en el cambio climatico. La Anarquia no es el pillaje ni el caos ni mucho menos la destruccion, La Anarquia es entre otras cosas: El mutuo acuerdo, la salud, la construccion, el apoyo mutuo, es decir la Libertad y la Autogestion. Ni dios ni amo. Recuerda, Mandar es malo, Obedecer es peor."
-Foro Alicia-
Friday, 15 January 2010
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Friday, 8 January 2010
Il mondo è quadrato.
spedizione del 30 di Ottobre 2009
28:5 · The square in a horizontal-vertical position is an expression of the two dimensions that constitute a surface. Basically 2805 means land, field, ground, or the element earth. The Egyptians used it, originally as a pictorial sign for stool of reed matting.
For the alchemists the square could represent salt. Salt was often produced by letting sea water evaporate on the ground. Even in modern meteorology 2805 can represent the ground. The sign placed within the square indicates the weather's effect on the ground, as in 2705, ground covered with snow. In Diderot's Encyclopedia it is recorded as a sign for magnet.
The ground-to-air emergency code also relates this structure to the ground or the land: compass and map needed. Its association to the ground is also seen in the use of 2805 and 2852 on maps for farm or farmhouse.
In astrology 2805 signifies the most difficult and tense aspect that can occur between two planets in a natal chart. This spect is called the square, the angle of 90 degrees.
Botanists sometimes use it to denote the male individual of dioecious plants (in which case 2601a stands for the female). In military contexts the sign can be used for private soldiers.
The filled square, 2852, appears on videotape recorders for the control for interrupting recording or play.
Last, it should be mentioned that squares with lines in them occur in garments
to indicate how the garment should be treated in washing. Thus, for instance, 2818 means that the garment can be drip-dried.
Pictures have been taken in
Amsterdam *red* on the 10th of October 2009
Lignano *blue* on the 11th of October 2009
by iXiMe
The Eye of the Dragon
28:4 · The eye of the dragon, according to Koch (see bibliography), is an ancient Germanic sign. We can analyse this sign as a combination of 2803 for threat and 0428 for the choice between good and evil.
Compare with 3011, an old sign for phosphorus, a highly poisonous and inflammable substance.
Postcards by *Museo di Storia Naturale: Milano
on the 19th of October 2009
to Paris * San Francisco * Nijmegen.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Reality TV star, 11, commits suicide
The shocking incident came to light on Saturday noon, when residents of Sai Darshan Apartment in Dombivli east called up Manpada police to inform them that Std VI student Neha Sawant had been found hanging by a dupatta inside her house.
“The door was locked from inside, so there is no question of foul play. It is indeed a case of suicide. We are still investigating as to why she took the drastic step. We haven’t found any suicide note from the spot yet,” said Subhash Divekar, senior inspector of Manpada Police Station.
According to police, Neha’s mother works as a teacher while her father works with a private firm in Mumbai. Both had left for work and Neha’s younger sister had just returned from morning school.
“She could not open the door so she asked the neighbours to help. As soon as the neighbours opened the door they saw her hanging from the curtain rod in the living room. She was rushed to a private hospital where she was declared dead,” said Assistant Inspector V K Kambli, who is investigating the case.
‘We stopped her from taking part in dance shows’
Neha’s family revealed she was an “amazing dancer” who participated in three TV dance reality shows, including Boogie Woogie. She was also a student of a dance academy, where she excelled in western and folk dances. Most of Neha’s performances were part of the academy’s group shows.
A few months ago, Neha’s family had pulled her out of the academy, as they wanted her to concentrate on her studies. This was revealed by Neha’s father Narendra Sawant.
“She was very popular in the neighbourhood for her performances. People loved her moves. However, a year ago we realised that her studies were getting affected due to the contests and performances. So we pulled her out of the academy and stopped her from taking part in competitions.”
However, Neha was apparently very keen on continuing with her classes and her shows. This was confirmed by her neighbours and her dance instructor Shyam Patil.
“The child was an extremely good dancer. In fact, unlike most kids her age, she would dance with the older kids and do a great job of it. However, her family pulled her out of the classes a few months ago as they wanted her to concentrate on studies,” said Patil.
He added that he had tried convincing her parents to change their mind. He even offered to teach her for free as she was incredibly talented, but they refused. “It was after a lot of convincing that they would allow her to take part in the shows,” added Patil.
Neha’s inconsolable father Narendra said that in the past few days she had showed no signs of depression.
“I had left for work as usual on Saturday and she even had breakfast with me. She did not say anything or do anything to suggest she would kill herself,” he said.
A student of Pandurang Vidyalaya, Neha was good at academics. Her neighbours speak of her as an extrovert and bubbly child who mingled with everybody. “All of us knew her as someone who loved to dance and show off her skills,” said a neighbour.
Source: The Times of India
Yogesh Sadhwani, MUMBAI MIRROR 4 January 2010, 09:56am IST
Il Corriere della Sera :
Monday, 4 January 2010
Turquía reclama a Italia la devolución de los restos de Santa Claus
El origen de la leyenda, el san Nicolás histórico, nació en el siglo III en una ciudad entonces griega y ahora turca y sus restos fueron enterrados en Bari
El Gobierno turco ha anunciado que emprenderá una campaña para lograr que Italia entregue los restos mortales de San Nicolás, el personaje histórico cuyo nombre significa protector y defensor de pueblos y del que todo apunta que surgieron tradiciones como la de Santa Claus o Papá Noel. Los medios turcos recogen hoy los planes del ministro turco de Cultura, Ertugrul Günay, para crear un museo dedicado a la cultura Licia, una antigua región de Asia Menor en lo hoy es la provincia turca de Antalya.
"San Nicolás nació en Patara, un antiguo nombre de Antalya, y murió en el distrito de Demre. Sus huesos fueron robados por marineros italianos en 1087 y llevados a Bari, en Italia", ha declarado el responsable turco. Günay ha asegurado que los restos mortales del santo serán reclamados como parte fundamental de los fondos del futuro museo de la ciudad de Demre, que se instalará en un antiguo edificio romano.
Coca Cola lo vistió de rojo
"Aún tenemos que discutir del museo con los historiadores. No hay calendario, de momento. Una vez que la restauración del edificio esté terminada, por supuesto que daremos pasos para exhibir allí los huesos de Santa Claus", ha añadido el ministro. El san Nicolás histórico nació en el siglo III en la ciudad griega de Myra, hoy Demre, de la que fue investido obispo.
La tradición cuenta que adoraba a los niños, que entregaba regalos y oro a los pobres y obraba milagros. Al morir, fue canonizado y venerado en todo el mundo cristiano. En el siglo XI, sus restos fueron trasladados por marineros italianos a la ciudad de Bari, donde reposan en la Basílica de San Nicolás. Como en alemán se llama Sankt Nikolaus, lo empezaron a llamar Santa Claus. Este santo fue tan popular en la antigüedad, que se le han consagrado en el mundo más de 2.000 templos.
En Alemania, Suiza y Holanda, su vida dio lugar a la costumbre de que San Nicolás traiga regalos y dulces para los niños el 6 de diciembre, día en que la Iglesia celebra su fiesta. Dicha costumbre fue popularizada en los Estados Unidos por los protestantes holandeses de la actual Nueva York, que paganizaron al santo católico convirtiéndolo en un mago nórdico llamándolo Santa Claus. De la mitra de obispo no dejaron nada, lo mudaron de Turquía al Polo Norte, añadieron nieve y un trineo jalado por renos y Coca Cola hizo el resto: lo vistió de rojo y blanco, le puso el gorro y lo convirtió en un adorable anciano gordinflón.
fuente : El País
La Diferencia.
Y cuál es la diferencia entre ser tú o ser yo
en ser el principio o en llegar al fin
en ser infeliz o en ser muy feliz
entre decir no, no, no... o entre decir sí. sí, sí...
y cuál es la diferencia entre ser de aquí, o entre ser de allí
entre el blanco y el negro siempre está el gris
entre Dios y el diablo, entre el cielo, el infierno,
entre ser muy bueno, o ser muy ruin
y cuál es la diferencia, hermao, entre el bien y el mal,
cuál es la diferencia al fin, si todo es tan afín.
Cuál es la diferencia entre morir en tus brazos,
o entre morir en tus manos
y cuál es la diferencia entre estar dilatada
o entre estar lubrificada,
y cuál es la diferencia entre la pregunta, entre la respuesta,
entre una de cal y entre otra de arena,
entre muslo, pechuga, entre piedra, papel o tijera...
cuál es la diferencia, hermao, entre el bien y el mal,
cuál es la diferencia al fin, si todo es tan afín.
Enano en un país de gigantes, siempre errante,
miserable en tierra de magnates, extranjero, viajante.
A ver, será lo mismo, o será distinto cantar así:
sho-lére-léreléy- leyyyy-lo-lárylo-láro-laylo-lolá...
o cantar hulah-hulah-hulah-hulá-hú-hulá,
en cantar yeah- yeah-yeah-yé-yé yé-yé-yeyé,
o cantar ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-yayay-yayay.
Friday, 1 January 2010
Everybody needs somebody to love.
We're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight and we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of Illinois law enforcement community who have chosen to join us here in the Palace Hotel ballroom at this time. We do sincerely hope you'll all enjoy the show and please remember people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there're still some things that make us all the same. You, me, them, everybody, everybody.
Everybody needs somebody
Everybody needs somebody to love, someone to love (Someone to love)
Sweetheart to miss (Sweetheart to miss)
Sugar to kiss (Sugar to kiss)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you) in the morning (I need) (You, you, you)
When my souls on fire (I need) (You, you, you)
Sometimes I feel, I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me, I never, never, never have a place to hide
I need you
Sometimes I feel, I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me, I never, never, never have a place to hide
I need you, you, you
I need you, you, you (I need you)
I need you, you, you (I need you)
I need you, you, you (I need you)
(I need you) I need you
You know people when you do find somebody
Hold that woman, hold that man
Love him, please him, squeeze her, please her, hold her
Squeeze and please that person, give 'em all your love
Signify your feelings with every gentle caress (Signify)
Because it's so important to have that special somebody
To hold (Hold), kiss (Kiss), miss (Miss), squeeze (Squeeze) and please (Please)
Everybody needs somebody (I need you)
Everybody needs somebody to love (Everybody), someone to love (Needs somebody)
Sweetheart to miss (Everybody)
Sugar to kiss (Needs somebody)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (You, you, you)
I need you, you, you (Everybody)
I need you, you, you (Needs somebody)
I need you, you, you (Everybody)
I need you, you, you (Needs somebody)
In the morning (Everybody)
When my souls on fire (Needs somebody)
When I need that woman of mine (Everybody)
I need you, you, you, you (Needs somebody)
I need you, you, you, you (Everybody)
I need you, you, you (Needs somebody)
I need you