Today is a very sad day for Rwanda because the current Rwandan government is sending a message that if you participate peacefully in the country's political process, there is a price to pay. You pay with your own freedom.
Mrs Victoire Ingabire is recognized by all as the main leader of the Rwandan non-violent political opposition and intends to run as her party’s candidate in the next presidential election this August 2010. In less than four months since she returned to her country, ending 16 years in exile, the mother of three is facing a possible sentence of 20 to 30 years in jail.
Today is a turning point in Rwanda's future. What happens from now on will determine whether peaceful democratic ways championed by Mrs Ingabire remain a viable option to create political change in Rwanda or if the 50 year curse of violence remains the only way possible in Rwanda. Mrs Victoire Ingabire believed in a new Rwanda where power can be changed peacefully, at the ballot box.
As one of the peace-loving Rwandans living, I am calling upon you to help us convince your Government that supporting General Kagame's current Rwandan government, in this dangerous escalation by his repressive policies is exactly the type of policy that causes ethnic hatred. It is such ethnic hatred that in its extreme caused the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.
The Rwandan people need your help now more than ever. Please help in creating a peaceful future for Rwanda, one where non-violent opposition leaders are not afraid for their lives. One based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You can do this by contacting your elected representative and letting them know what you think about this injustice.
Thank you!